This week we have Hollie from ThriftyMum.com on the blog to tell us all about her favourite place. You can also find Hollie on Twitter and Instagram so make sure you go over and say hi 🙂
Tell me a little bit about yourself… I’m 32, mum of two boys (James and Ted), wife to (NotSoThriftyDad) Rich and I’m the owner of ThriftyMum.Com We live in East Yorkshire with our boxer dog Lola.
Where is your favourite place to visit? Our favourite place to visit is Tresco in the Isles of Scilly, just off the coast of Cornwall.
Why do you love it? Visiting Tresco has the feel of going abroad, just without the lengthy flights, or having to change your currency. We feel like we’re a million miles away from the real world in our own little paradise.
Can you describe it for me? Tresco is the second biggest island in the Scillies and you can only get there by boat or helicopter. There are no cars on the island, just golf buggies and you can taste how clean the air is as a result! Tresco has a micro-climate that is similar to the warmth of the Canary Islands. It means that tropical plants are able to grow and these can be seen in the beautiful Abbey Gardens. The island is surrounded by white, sandy beaches and there’s just one shop. When the tide is low, you can walk between Tresco and the other island and sometimes there’ll be a pop up BBQ half way between islands on the sea bed!
How often have you visited? I have visited twice with my husband as his parents have a time share there and kindly invited us along with them. We’re hoping to go back next year, this time with our small boys with us which I’m really excited about. My eldest is obsessed with helicopters so I know he’ll enjoy the journey nevermind the actual stay there!
Would you recommend other people visit and how would you sell it to them? Tresco is like the Famous Five for adults. Imagine the innocent fun from Enid Blyton books with beaches to yourself and miles of dirt tracks to ride a hired bike. Then add in the wood fired pizza’s from the Ruin Café and cocktails by fairylight at The Flying Boat Club. It’s the kinds of place no one even owns a bike lock or shuts their doors, never mind locks them. It’s just so safe and perfect for visiting with a family. Plus there’s a pool and spa so enough places to escape the family for a bit of pamper time.
Tell me the one place you’d love to visit next and why? I would love to visit Copenhagen. My husband’s paternal family is Danish so it would be lovely to sample the culture and lifestyle.
Thank you so much for telling us all about your favourite place Hollie, I loved reading about Tresco it sounds and looks absolutely beautiful!
If you’d like to tell us all about your favourite place make sure you get in touch 🙂