Good morning everyone. Today we have Jenny from Monkey and Mouse on the blog to tell us all about her favourite place. You can also find Jenny on Twitter and Instagram so make sure you go over and say hi 🙂
Tell me a little bit about yourself…
I’m Jenny, mum of two very loud and rambunctious boys! I blog over at Monkey and Mouse where I like to post about travel and lifestyle topics. My blog is a full time business for me, but I have to make time for blogging in the evenings and weekends as during the day I home educate my children. More often than not out somewhere with friends visiting interesting locations and trying out science experiments!
Where is your favourite place to visit?
My favourite place to visit are the beaches on Scotland’s islands. We’ve visited beaches on Orkney, Lewis, Harris, Mull, Skye, Arran, Tiree and more, but one of the most peaceful and stunning beaches has to be on Coll. It’s a tiny island next to Tiree and has very few visitors, but those who venture there are always stunned by nature.
Why do you love it?
I love the tranquility of the beaches, the turquoise sea on white sands and beautiful landscapes surrounding the beach. In the summer it can be warm, but even if it’s chilly and wet there’s something about being by the sea in a gorgeous peaceful place that makes me feel at peace with the world.
Can you describe it for me?
I can do better than that! I can show you a picture of one of our favourite beaches that we visited on Harris a couple of years ago. Stunning white sand, turquoise sea and we were lucky enough to be there during a heatwave, hence the pants!
How often have you visited?
We try to visit a new Scottish island each year, but we’ve also gone back to some areas more than once, including Mull and a gorgeous beach North of Arisaig on the mainland.
Would you recommend other people visit and how would you sell it to them?
I would show them our stunning photos of the many beaches on our Scottish isles, I think they sell themselves!
Tell me the one place you’d love to visit next and why?
I hope to visit the Uist’s in the Western Isles. It’s somewhere that none of us have visited yet, so fingers crossed we reach them this year. I’m slowly working our way through the islands.
Thank you so much Jenny for sharing your favourite place with us! You are absolutely right, your photos do sell themselves and I would absolutely love to visit some of the gorgeous beaches of the Scottish Isles.
If you’d like to be featured in the ‘My Favorite Place‘ feature right here on The Places We Will Go please make sure you get in touch 🙂
Your photos are beautiful, I’ve always wanted to visit the Scottish Isles but have been put off by the travelling involved with little ones. It is definitely in my bucket list to visit at some point though, the beaches look so amazing.
I absolutely love Scotland, but have never been to any of the islands. I would absolutely love to go to Orkney or Skye one day.
The photos look stunning. Will have to put these lovely islands on my list of places to visit. Thank you for the inspiration. X
Scotland looks so beautiful. I’ve only ever been once but it was a city break so didn’t see any pretty beaches.
We visited Scotland at Christmas and we’ve totally fallen in love with it. I would love to visit the beaches in the summer as they look stunning. I want to go back…..!!
I can get totally on board with this! I grew up in Scotland, and have fond memories of visiting Scottish islands and beaches. Out of these, I’ve been to Orkney, Skye, Mull and Arran. I’ve also been to Iona and Ulva, and the Shetlands (but not to the beach there). The Outer Hebrides are on my travel bucket list.
The photos have certainly sold it to me! These beaches look absolutely stunning! I want to get myself to Scotland now to see these beautiful beaches in the flesh xx
I’ve only visited Edinburgh once but long to see so much more of Scotland. It always seems such an enchanting place to visit.
I would love to visit the Scottish islands one day, for now I am wanting to visit Shetland